***Fabulous Friday Roll Call***

on 11/3/11 10:06 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning - it's late - where is everybody?? I'm at work - settling in after being off yesterday.

Had my follow-up appt with the ob-gyn and had a surprise biopsy while there - oh joy...no, it wasn't pleasant and I'm still a tad uncomfortable. 2 shots of novacaine, slice 'n dice, 2 stitches. OUCH. Have to wait for the results to come back - hopefully it's nothing.

Then I had to see my PCP - well, I never see him anymore - it's always a Physician's Assistant, and every time I go it's another new one - I told the office girls it's like going to a clinic now. But I got my BP checked - it was a little high, but I told her it was due to the stress of the biopsy earlier that day, which it probably was.

So this weekend have some more house stuff to do - didn't get much done yesterday because I was wiped out and just wanted to sleep after the appointments - have got to get out of that mood.

Hope everyone has a great day and weekend!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Laureen S.
on 11/3/11 10:18 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Kathy,

Hoping you get an all clear on the biopsy and that you have a good day and a better weekend.

Here at work, nothing out of the ordinary, been a bit draggy lately, myself, thinking it's the change of seasons and all the pain I've been in, good news is we get an extra hour this weekend and I can use it, planning on sleeping that extra hour, but we'll see.  Tonight I am making a trip to spend time at my son's house, see him and the grandbabies, not such babies anymore, but to me they are babies, then it will be home and probably bed, as I could crawl up in bed right now.

Oh well, nothing much to say, except that I wish each and everyone of you the best possible day and the peace and strength to get through those rough patches that life has a way of bestowing on us from time to time, for some, it seems never ending. . .

Hope to see some of you fine folks at Barix tomorrow. . .


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/3/11 10:53 pm - PA
Morning all. It's a tired Friday for me. I didn't get in till almost 1 this morning after a late night of darts. Up at 6 to get me and the little one ready for work and school. At least it's a 4:00 day today. Off for the weekend. Gonna hit a yard sale or two before coming to the meeting. I am so looking forward to the meeting.

Starting to see my first real stall at almost 7 weeks out. I have been the same weight all week. Oh well, this shall pass

Have a great day all!
on 11/3/11 11:14 pm - Bristol, PA

It's a bright eyed and bushy tailed morning for me.  The little guy slept from 8-4 last night and then went back to sleep for two more hours at 5:30.  WOOHOOOO!  Praise the good Lord for small favors.  Today I am (im)patiently waiting for the surgery scheduler to call and tell me my surgery date.  I also meet with my therapist for the first time, and I am pretty excited about that.  Some issues have come up as of late that I would like to work through AND I figure surgery and my new healthy lifestyle will bring up more issues, so it's good to have a therapist around.  Other than that it's playing with the little guy and maybe, just maybe, a little cleaning/straightening up around the house. 

TGIF everybody!!!
Love and hugs,
Patricia R.
on 11/3/11 11:34 pm - Perry, MI
 I saw my doctor yesterday, and I have an ear infection, fever and nausea.  He put me on the right meds for it.  I hope they take effect soon.  Last night was miserable.

Today I will make an AA meeting and tidy as much as possible.  Tidying was put on hold after my toe surgery, because of the pain, and then totally went the skids the past few days because of the pain and fever.

I am hoping to be better tomorrow so I can head to Villanova to see my nephew's Special Olympics Fall Soccer Tournament.  Villanova University holds the largest student run Special Olympics event in Pennsylvania.  They create an Olympic village with activities for the athletes between competitions, and have a dance for them on Saturday night.  The athletes and coaches stay at a nearby hotel and commute to and from the campus.  Students serve as security, and guides for people finding their way around the campus.  Also, each team gets its own set of student cheerleaders who make signs for them, and is at most of their games, befriending the athletes.  I really want to be there for some of it.  It's a huge event because all the Special Olympics athletes who do Fall sports in Pennsylvania are there.

Gotta scoot.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/3/11 11:51 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Kathy and all of PA.  Kathy, I hope the results come back clean and soon!  

I am having a relatively ok morning.  It is about time!!!!  Larry worked last night, so there was no drama and as I was skyping with a friend I totally fell asleep while said friend was posting about the Giant Sequoia tree that fell down in Sequoia National Park in CA.  It is an amazing story.  I talk about those trees in school with my students, so I am looking forward to sharing that story with them.  I would love to get there one day. My SIL has been, and her pictures are INCREDIBLE!  Those trees are somewhere between 1,500 and 3,000 years old.  INCREDIBLE!

Anyway - for a change, I got off topic....I am at school today.  Don't have to rush home for any reason today - YAY!  Emily is going directly to a friends house after school and Josh and Molly have their own teenage thing going on.  Tonight is family Services at the synagogue.  Emily will be singing and then Rak-Dan - a jewish Israeli dance teacher - will be there.  He comes to my camp every year and the kids (and me too)  LOVE IT!  He does all kinds of group dancing, some modern stuff and then some israeli stuff.  Most Israeli dances are done in a circle.  Many of my friends will be there - and hopefully a lot of camp kids will be there.  I have already warned fb hubby, that he WILL get in to one dance.  He hates to dance, but I Am going to put the guilt of good daddying in play which will HOPEFULLY get him to try one!  If he actualle does it, I would love to get a video of it.  I already have some, um, interesting pics of him from the beach this summer....hey!!!  Just thought of blackmail.....giggle gigggle giggle.....if he doesn't want those pics all over facebook, then he has to do ONE dance - MY CHOICE!!!!  MWAHHHAHHHAHHHHAAAA!

Ok - I am better now.........I am hoping for a status quo weekend.  Calm and with good communication with Larry. We need it after the very challenging week we have had.  He is actually home Saturday night and all of Sunday.  so, here is to being hopeful!  I am going to try to get myself out of the house to get to Barix tomorrow.  I don't want to be a downer for people, however, it might be what I need.  I have see-sawed between not having ANY appetite to eating everything in sight due to the stress of this week.  I probably need to be there more now than ever.....And Larry wont be home for Monday Night Football, so it looks like another sporting event alone.  Sigh.....I am soooo looking forward to finding out if he can switch his schedule to days.  It is still 8A to 8P - but at least he will be home every night.  Sigh.....HATE his schedule!

Anyway, enough of my ramblings!  Hoep your Friday is sweet!
Lisa H.
on 11/4/11 12:13 am - Whitehall, PA
 Morning all.. amongst all the chaos in my life right now, I am HAAPPPPPPPY to report that my power has finally been restored.  When I got home from the office yesterday PP&L was outside waiting for the ok to dig down to get to the transformer wires or whatever they needed to do.  Siehara went to the mall with Blake and when she was dropped off at home, the power was back.  She called me around 8 or so to let me know.   It was actually almost TOO hot in here when I walked in.  I turned the thermostat back down to a normal temperature.  Now, there's all the cleanup to do.  I did end up throwing out most of my food.  Almost a week in the ice-filled washer was just a bit too long.  I ran the dishwasher last night, but the dishes just did not seem to get clean.  I also ran the washer to drain out the icy water and started a load of clothes to wash. 

Today has me WORKING FROM HOME!!!!!  That is great on all counts.. besides not having to go into the office, it also means that I can get more clean up done.  There is a load of wash in the washer and dryer and one that is ready for folding.  There are at least 4 more loads that need to be washed.  I washed 1/2 the dishes that needed to be redone from the dishwasher.  I also vacuumed the living room and hallway.  I have to do things in spurts because I am supposed to be working.  I'm hoping to get the rest of the vacuuming done and most of the laundry before Siehara gets home from school.    

My friend from WI is on her way here as we speak.  She is driving in because her 37 year old brother had a heart attack on Wednesday.  He is in surgery now for a quintuple bypass.. crazy how things like this happen to such young people.  She wasn't sure how she was going to get out here because she just got done paying all of her bills for the month and didn't have any money left.  BUT, she didn't want to NOT come when it is such a major surgery.  Her father had a heart attack and she didn't get to see him before he died.  She does not want to have that regret with her brother, just in case.  I went to see him yesterday so I could ease her mind at least a little.  He was doing pretty well, considering.  

I told Josie that she was absolutely able to stay with me... that also means that I have to restock my fridge and freezer with at least enough food for us for the weekend.  They are both bare right now.. but they are clean!! I took the opportunity to bleach them both. 

My plans for the weekend are all going to be determined on what she needs from me.  She has 2 little boys, age 4 and 1 1/2 and I'm sure she's going to want to leave them somewhere while she goes to the hospital to see him.  My only issue right now is that I have to drive Siehara down to Langhorne where she will spend the weekend with a camp friend.  They are both attending a Bat Mitzvah in Yardley and the mom graciously offered to keep Siehara for the weekend.  

If Josie does not need me, I will be in Langhorne, then dropping by the Ranch to check out what's left of Beth's clothes and shoes.  Tomorrow, I have a Bar Mitzvah to attend at our synagogue.  Tomorrow night, my favorite band-Shorty Long-- is playing at the Sand's and I would like to go, but again.. everything is dependent on what Josie needs from me.  

Sunday, I have to go pick up Siehara from Langhorne.  

Busy busy busy.. just don't know what is definite at this point until I hear from her. 

My tracker


on 11/4/11 1:24 am
Good Morning Kathy and PA Peeps!!

Kathy, I hope and pray that everything turns out clear and all is well!!!

OMG! This week has been CRAZY busy. We are running around like crazy people getting stuff done for our big state visit on Monday. Personally I think it is just a dog and pony show....that is just me!! Those of you who are (or were) teachers know what I mean. I have also been busy all week with stuff to do at home. Last night we took in ANOTHER cat from one of our good friends that has six cats. The one we took and one of her other cats were not getting along, so she was going to put him on petfinder. I have a hard time turning down a good cat! He is a siamese cat, VERY muscular but seems pretty friendly. The other cats are not too thrilled but we will see how it goes...they are home alone now so I will see what kind of destruction there is when I get home.

Today is wor****il 3pm, then going to get my nails done, pick up the child and think about dinner possibilities. I am hoping to go to Barix tomorrow after I take the child for her flu shot then breakfast!

Have a great day!!
Love to all, Beth

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